Oxford Residents Give LTN Bollards A Well Needed Haircut

Just a little off the top 😎

Love to see it!

Oxford has been at the epicentre of the UK’s fight back against the zoning measures. Residents have outright just ripped the bollards out, and protestors have been handing out leaflets to residents. The largest anti-zoning measure protest happened there also.

On nearby Barnet Street, another wooden post appears to have been beaten to a pulp and local legends have attempted to pull it from the ground.

Jack Burns, 61 , who lives on the street, said: ‘It’s only a matter of time before this one is destroyed.’

We can only hope, Jack.

It seems like the authorities are losing the battle to try and zone our streets. No wonder they were caught begging for people to stop.

It only took residents 10 days to decide enough is enough, more than long enough.

Sheffield still holds the record, though: planters in one of their streets didn’t even last one day!

Emergency services, you know, the ones where every second counts and someone could die if an ambulance is delayed even by a minute, are wasting precious time having to unlock the bollards!?

Is this about public health, or is it about control?

I think you know the answer to that…

Needless to say, it doesn’t look like the rebellious UK will be accepting the zoning measures anytime soon!

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1 thought on “Oxford Residents Give LTN Bollards A Well Needed Haircut”

  1. Gerry, England

    I am surprised that the planters have not been set on fire as they are only wooden. Or they could be relocated with a pallet truck. Also take all the traffic signs away and the restriction is not enforceable. Keep up the good work though People of Oxford.

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