The Beginners Guide To The Climate Con (E-Book & Audiobook)


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The Beginners Guide To The Climate Con – E-Book AND Audio Book.|

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Newly updated and features over 15 new pages, extra annotations and LOADS of new high quality original images.

This book kicks The Climate Con right in the balls.

It’s an effective sucker punch to the agenda, constructed in a simple an easy to understand way, so easy in fact, any child that is old enough to be targeted with the climate change narrative could read this book as an effective counter to the bullshit.

Don’t let the schools brainwash the next generations of kids!

Counter The Climate Con effectively.

This book is the best entry level book to this subject, created with absolute beginners in mind.

Welcome to your handbook for navigating climate madness. Certain groups with vested interests have been peddling climate lies for decades for their own personal gain. This book categorically dismantles their agenda in an easy to understand way. No longer will the wool be able to be pulled over your eyes with climate lies.

Tool yourself up quickly, to be ready to handle that next climate conversation.

Collectively we are making a massive difference in the fight against The Climate Con.

Watch the recording of the book launch livestream:

The winner of our recent competition, the first person to ever read the hardcopy, had this to say:

“A perfect title for a well written handbook. It’s full of information which will help anyone to understand the fear mongering influences and madness currently and previously being pushed by the controllers of this world”

~ Jan King – Independent Publisher


Chapter 1: The Global Warming Hoax

– Unravelling the origins of the climate change narrative
– Examining the vested interests of influential organisations
– Questioning the reliability of climate models and data

Chapter 2: Natural Climate Cycles

– Exploring historical climate fluctuations
– Highlighting the role of solar activity and cosmic events
– Challenging the notion of unprecedented warming

Chapter 3: The Carbon Conspiracy

– Analysing the carbon dioxide myth
– Unveiling the true agenda behind carbon taxes and emissions trading
– We want MORE CO2 not less!

Chapter 4: Weather Modification and Geoengineering

– Exposing government-led weather manipulation programs
– Investigating the use of chemtrails and HAARP
– Considering the implications of geoengineering on climate change data

Chapter 5: The Green Energy Deception

– Scrutinising the profitability of the renewable energy industry
– Examining the drawbacks and limitations of green technologies
– Highlighting the suppression of alternative energy sources

Chapter 6: The Suppression of Dissenting Voices

– Revealing the tactics used to silence climate sceptics
– Discussing the consequences of stifling scientific debate
– Exposing the influence of powerful interest groups on public discourse

Chapter 7: The Agenda behind Climate Change

– Unmasking the true motives of global governance initiatives
– Investigating the erosion of national sovereignty in the name of climate action
– Discussing the potential for a one-world government under the guise of environmentalism

Chapter 8: The Bright Side: Adaptation and Resilience

– Shifting the focus from fear to solutions
– Exploring alternative approaches to addressing environmental challenges
– Emphasising the power of human innovation and adaptability

Any queries email: sa***@th****************.com

Together, we will defeat The Climate Con!



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