New Climate Change Committee Budget: Sacrificing the UK on the Altar of More Taxes for the Net Zero Gods

The Seventh Carbon Budget is here and it wants your freedom, fun and finances

The climate swamp (The Climate Change Committee) in the UK has delivered the Seventh Carbon Budget and you guessed it, more taxes and less freedom to solve a problem that doesn’t exist. Whilst the Labour government comes at the public and business with everything it has in terms of higher taxes and funding cuts there seems to be endless money to pour into the black hole that is net zero. Anyone remember the claims of a £22b black hole in the finances and then suddenly £22b was announced for carbon capture programs? Well, even that is that’s just the tip of the iceberg of the net zero heist.

That’s right. Whilst supermarkets and energy companies rake in massive profits, our farmers are being driven out of business, creating serious food security issues. Pubs are closing at a record rate of more than one per day, our elderly are freezing because they can’t afford heating due to ever-increasing electricity bills, and our industry is being decimated. Key high-end manufacturing and refinement plants are being forced to shut down, either due to exorbitant energy prices or outright absurd climate policies from central government. And yet, they want more. It seems the climate zealots won’t be satisfied until the UK has completely destroyed itself.

The UK government is already caught in a sticky mess, a legal web of binding carbon targets set in motion primarily from the Climate Change Act 2008 has them by the balls. If anyone in our government has any balls left that is. It’s like a train that has been steered off course and rather than turn the train back onto the right direction this new budget and the climate and nature bill are just taking us even further in the wrong direction. We can unfortunately see how this climate madness will out into our daily lives and effect us all, unless we do something to stop it.

Check this out. If ever there were 2 graphs that could explain the situation in its simplest format, these are it.

Increase In UK Reliance On Renewable Energy 1990-2025

Increase In UK Electricity Prices 1990-2025

They are not even trying to hide it anymore in the mainstream media anymore. The Telegraph recently reported that rising bills aren’t a bug, they are a feature of net zero and will all must tighten our carbon belts to appease the ever insatiable net zero gods. No thank you. Our ancestors and us didn’t spend all this time over the centuries giving our best shot at society to simply knee cap it all. Part of the agenda is to get the public to accept lower standards of living across the board and that somehow this is normal, even though we are in the most abundant time of our history! We should ALL be living way better than we do right now. We earned it, our ancestors earned it.

Part of the deception is to get people arguing over nonsense whilst missing the wood from the trees. Example? Well, a common one you will see online is how dare billionares chart around on private jets whilst telling everyone else to tighten their carbon belt and go without heating to save the planet. They shouldn’t fly so much because of the CO2 emissions, or something like that. The thing is, by going along with this argument you are tacitly agreeing that carbon emissions and living standards along with them need to decrease. When in fact, we want more CO2! It doesn’t make a fig of difference for these jets flying round in carbon emissions terms. Can you see now how they play their tricks and get us to use our own power against us and miss the real point. If you are interested in learning more about the truth about CO2, join our Carbon Clarity Campaign and read Top 10 Climate Cultist Carbon Conspiracies Destroyed By Truth.

The executive summary of the Carbon Budget

Credit where credit is due, this is major league, premium, bullshit.

Here is the first paragraph, we will break it down line by line.

“The climate is changing. Greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere are outside the range that our species has ever previously experienced. Heatwaves and floods have become regular fixtures instead of ‘once in a lifetime’ events for many around the world, including in the UK. Global warming has unequivocally been caused by greenhouse gas emissions, with 100% of the observed long-term temperature change attributable to human causes.”

“The climate is changing”

Well, no shit, it has since the climate ever existed and will continue to do so. Important to remember that. Our impact on climate is negligible. Plastic pollution is a far more significant problem to focus on. Little taxes involved with that though?

Greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere are outside the range that our species has ever previously experienced.

This is a good one because. it is true. It is just based on the false premise that CO2 is bad. When in fact we are in a serious CO2 drought and almost all vegetation on earth would enjoy more CO2 in the atmosphere. That is why the Earth is now greening, as plants finally are able to ‘breath’ easier and produce more leaves and grow faster as a result of increasing CO2.

So that is one part of the deception unpacked. The other is that the increase in CO2 emissions is overwhelmingly coming from human emissions. When the truth is that around 5% of CO2 emissions are coming from us, 95% is coming from natural sources! Doesn’t matter how big that carbon capture black hole in the UK budget, it wont be making a dent in the natural emissions and there is no good reason for them to try.

Heatwaves and floods have become regular fixtures instead of ‘once in a lifetime’ events for many around the world, including in the UK

Anytime I ever encounter doom around how more people are dying because of the climate I have one graph to show them.

Climate Related Death Risk 1920-2020

“Global warming has unequivocally been caused by greenhouse gas emissions, with 100% of the observed long-term temperature change attributable to human causes.”

Again we can take this one apart with a couple graphs. Firstly we can look at how the warming effect of each extra CO2 molecule in the air logarithmically decreases as more as added. Then we will go back in time to quickly visit the medieval warm period, where much of the earth, including the UK, was much warmer and somehow we all survived.

The Logarthmically Decreasing Warming Effect Of CO2

The Medieval Warm Period

And the executive summary is just the start. It all boils back down to the very first article we ever posted on this website, UK Government Wants To Change Your Behaviour To “Save The Planet”. The government needs behavioural change from the public so they accept the ever decreasing living standards. We can counter this by bringing to the light the truth about CO2.

Another assault on our food supply is also covered. We see how the foundational lies of CO2 is bad are being used to justify manipulating the public into “lower carbon foods”.

“Farmers will need to be supported to diversify their income streams away from livestock agriculture, with opportunities in areas such as woodland creation, peatland restoration, energy crops, and renewable energy.”

The demonisation of meat is nothing new and we destroyed 4 major components of the agenda against meat in this article.

Combine this latest budget with the Climate And Nature Bill and we see clearly, despite the pain it’s causing people and businesses the UK government is going to try and plow ahead at full speed off the Net Zero cliff.

Chris Stark who ran the Climate Change Committee, now head of the governments ‘Mission Control’ for Net Zero revealing the behaviour change agenda.

Read the whole document here.

This budget and bill are the exact opposite direction we should be going if we ever want to see a reduction in food, energy and electricity prices. The push for renewables, the end of hydrocarbons, the attack on farmers, farming, and food, all of it, is coming together to create a terrible situation for anyone who likes to have a good quality of life. Not only that but we can see a very dark authoritarian potential future ahead if nobody challenges the current destructive course we are on.

The foundational lie that is holding this fragile stack of cards of a narrative is that CO2 is bad, that we want less of it and we should accept a lower quality of life to achieve these goals. This is absolute insanity because CO2 is plant food and we actually want a lot more of it in the atmosphere than we do right now. We are at historic lows. The thing is, even though we want more CO2 our contribution is minuscule to the grander natural cycles happening all the time on our planet. The climate was changing long before the industrial revolution and will keep changing no matter what we do. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing and who says we have the perfect climate right now? The UK would definitely be better off from being like 2 Degrees C warmer at all times! More sun too, please.

With the momentum building in the USA against The Climate Con we are in a perfect position here in the UK to take on the agenda here and kill it for good. It will take a massive effort from the people of the UK to shake of the shackles of a deep rooted climate cult agenda.

This is where you can be a part of movement spreading through the UK like wildfire right now. We are going on the attack and have launched a new truth bomb (leaflet) which is normie friendly and counters the propaganda without scaring anyone. Over 10,000 are already on their way to hitting the streets next week and we have only just got started.

The Climate Con Leaflet – Hitting The Streets 1st March

Some of the long term goals of The Climate Con:

  • Chemtrail free skies
  • Cheap reliable energy/electricity
  • Freedom of choice on goods, appliances and vehicles
  • Eradication of climate guit and fear
  • Security of farmers, farming and food!
  • The end of Net Zero
  • More CO2!

And so much more.

We achieve these goals by educating the people on the truth, destroying the programming. We do this by laser focusing on one aspect of the agenda and tearing into it.

Our enemies have weaponised the climate to attack every layer of our society. The USA is turning the tide however the calvary may or may not come here in the UK.

Right now we have a climate mecha Godzilla storming towards our society and nothing will stop him unless we do. He is weak from all the fighting but still dangerous.

We’re a team of commando snipers with explosive rounds, picking off piece by piece. Tactical Guerilla warfare. Enough damage and we can stop him, if we don’t do anything, everything we take for granted will be stolen from us and future generations will wonder what the fuck happened as they wake up to a carbon credited slavery system with no freedom, fun, or farts.

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