French Farmers Secure Victory In Defeating Government’s Proposed Tax Increases, But It’s Not Enough To Quell The Rebellion
French Farmers are on a rampage

The farmers revolution is spreading. It started with the Dutch and their securing of a political party in favour on the farmers last year, Ireland is doing the same.
This year so far the major battles are being fought in Germany and France.
Incredible scenes have developed with protests extending for weeks. In fact, it’s fair to say the farmers in Germany and France have been protesting all of this year so far!
At first, the German government began to buckle to the demands of the farmers, however it was only a minor retreat. Instead of imposing the proposed tax increases to agricultural diesel, immediately, they suggested that a drawn out incremental increase over years as a desperate way to try and calm down the farmers.
This failed and the German farmers are still going! Lets see how that battle develops.
However, the French, well…
Let’s just say the French government is in the finding out stage of fuck around and find out.
Now The French Government Is Desperately Pleading With The Protestors
French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal is trying to negotiate an end to growing protests by farmers.
“You wanted to send a message, and I’ve received it loud and clear,” he said.
“We will put agriculture above everything else,” he promised.
In a wild panic, the government is trying to calm the protestors down by announcing 10 measures in favour of the farmers, including the scrapping of the proposed fuel tax increase.
But it is too little too late. Someone should have told him, you don’t fuck with the French.
“We are not satisfied with what was announced this evening,” Alexandre Plateau, the spokesperson for of the National Federation of Farmers’ Unions (FNSEA), the main farmers’ union, told the Franceinfo radio network.
“A few requests have been met, but it is not enough.”
Never forget, the people have the power. If enough of us say no, and say it loud enough, we will be heard.
Viva La Revolution!