June set to probably be the hottest June since the formation of the Universe. Insane and world ending heatwaves are on the way for the UK, apparently.
June set to probably be the hottest June since the formation of the Universe. Insane and world ending heatwaves are on the way for the UK, apparently.
FACT CHECK: TRUE? It does appear that showing photographic proof of an area that has seen no sea level rise, is not evidence of no sea level rise? Nice.
It seems like the French government has bit off more than they can chew as mega protests are spreading all over the country. From spreading of manure, to lighting fires, toppling trucks, blockades and more! They forgot, the people have the power.
Ireland has a brand new political party made up from the brave farmers of the nation. The farmers alliance is taking on the WEF and the insane anti human policies being imposed upon them.
John Kerry resigns. What a beautiful day for everyone that likes to eat food. Now maybe he can chill out and go on a cruise or something and leave the farmers alone.
The Hockey Stick Graph is a cornerstone piece of the climate con. Here is why it is a complete lie!
Record breaking cold is sweeping across parts of Europe as global warming is in full swing. How is this the case? Up is down, cold is hot!?
German farmers are WINNING against the government, but they still need our support! Counter the legacy media black out and share their story!
1000 ULEZ CAMERAS DOWN. The Blade Runners have been busy and it seems Sadiq has bitten off more than he can chew as the battle for the streets of London continues.
Welcome the life giving qualities of warmth! Cold takes away life, warmth gives life. No wonder certain anti human psychopaths are trying to drum up a narrative of fear around warmth.