The Beginners Guide To The Climate Con – Chapter One (Book Reading)

Come join Travis as he does a book reading of Chapter One of The Beginners Guide To The Climate Con

The Beginners Guide To The Climate Con
Chapter One

The Beginners Guide To The Climate Con is the best entry level book on The Climate Con. The most complex subjects broken down into bitesize pieces, so simple, a child could understand this book.

In fact, there is a movement beginning in the UK to counter the propaganda being put out related to the climate in schools. That’s why people are buying this book for their homeschooling groups and The Climate Con is also giving out free books to certain homeschools. After all, the kids today create the future tomorrow so best we get them up to speed with all of the truth surrounding the climate as soon as possible.

“It’s an excellent book”
“Great for kids”

~ Paul Burgess

Grab your copy now and never have the wool pulled over your eyes with climate lies ever again.

The Beginners Guide To The Climate Con Out Now!

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