Storm Darragh Decimates The UK’s Largest Solar Panel Farm
Storm Darragh decimates the UK’s largest solar panel farm. The green industry was dealt a considerable blow as solar panels were scattered like leaves in the wind.
Storm Darragh decimates the UK’s largest solar panel farm. The green industry was dealt a considerable blow as solar panels were scattered like leaves in the wind.
The Police are trying to deter the protest but the protest but this is only strengthening the resolve of the people to rally behind them.
Green hydrogen promises clean energy but faces hurdles in efficiency, cost, and infrastructure, casting doubt on its green credentials. Hydrocarbons are still the way to go!
Fossil Fuels VS Renewables Which Is Better? In this breakdown we will get into the true cost of renewables.
The Climate Con falls apart pretty fast when we apply some basic math to the situation. What would happen if the USA or even the whole world vanished?
Nothing sweeter than the smell of globalists fear.
ULEZ blade runners are turning the tide with nearly 1/4 of all installed cameras being either stollen or damaged.
Another globalist scheme is set to fail with about 90% of countries to not meet insane net zero targets! Awesome.
James Corbett from The Corbett Report joine Travis Cook on The Climate Con podcast.
Polar life is thriving! Climate alarmists are wrong once again, is anybody surprised? Propaganda falls flat in the face of truth.