Climate Con Man John Kerry Resigns, Humanity Rejoices
John Kerry resigns. What a beautiful day for everyone that likes to eat food. Now maybe he can chill out and go on a cruise or something and leave the farmers alone.
John Kerry resigns. What a beautiful day for everyone that likes to eat food. Now maybe he can chill out and go on a cruise or something and leave the farmers alone.
The Hockey Stick Graph is a cornerstone piece of the climate con. Here is why it is a complete lie!
Record breaking cold is sweeping across parts of Europe as global warming is in full swing. How is this the case? Up is down, cold is hot!?
Welcome the life giving qualities of warmth! Cold takes away life, warmth gives life. No wonder certain anti human psychopaths are trying to drum up a narrative of fear around warmth.
Nothing sweeter than the smell of globalists fear.
Denis De Bernardy joined Travis Cook for the 7th episode of The Climate Con podcast. Denis prepared an awesome presentation dismantling CO2 lies.
Sadiq has been left humiliated after losing to a scaffolder in a legal battle over the signs used for the LEZ scheme. These are the victories we love to see, the precedent has been set.
The Earth is seeing a massive expansion of green vegetation thanks to rising CO2 levels. Having more of the gas of life around is good for life, who knew?
Heartbreaking footage shows a Canadian dairy farmer forced to throw away excess milk because he has gone over the government quota.
ULEZ blade runners are turning the tide with nearly 1/4 of all installed cameras being either stollen or damaged.